The tide continues to turn as more and more church officials are beginning to be held accountable for the crimes in which they participated which affected countless survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

After a trial before a Kansas City judge, Roman Catholic bishop Robert Finn was convicted yesterday of one criminal charge of failing to report suspected child abuse by one of the priests under his command.  The bishop was sentenced to two years of court supervised probation, ordered to create a fund of $10,000 to pay for victims’ counseling and to start a training program in his diocese to enable employees of the church to detect early signs of child abuse and understand what constitutes child pornography and obscenity.

A complete report on this historic conviction can be found in The New York Times at –

Survivors groups are reported to feel that the sentence was too lenient and that the bishop should have been jailed, as was the recently convicted monsignor in Philadelphia.

But in any event, this conviction of a high ranking church bishop is historic and the first of its kind in the church in the United States. 


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