Boston Theatre Portrays The Lived Experiences of Survivors

The New York Times reports the last Friday opening in the Boston theatre district of Michael Mack’s 90 minute non-fiction drama “Conversations With My Molester:  A Journey of Faith.”  The Times review, entitled “Private Pain, Played Out on Public Stage,” can be found at –

Mr. Mack is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a Roman Catholic priest and his play consists of a moving 90 minute presentation in his own words of the emotional and personal toll on victims caused by childhood sexual abuse.

This technique for informing the public of the horror of priestly sexual crimes on children, by presenting the lived experiences of the victims in their own words, also was used as the foundation of my own book “When Priests Become Predators:  Profiles of Childhood Sexual Abuse Survivors” which consists of the lived experiences in their own words of 12 survivors like Mr. Mack, who should be commended for his personal courage in writing this dramatic piece.

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