New Jersey Editorial Demands Protection For Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

The Times of Trenton editorial board on August 24th demanded that New Jersey legislators enact pending broad based legislation to give relief to past survivors of childhood sexual abuse.

The link can be found at:
In part this prominent newspaper noted that

“A vote on a measure to remove New Jersey’s statute of limitations on filing civil suits over sexual abuse has been delayed until next month.
The bill’s sponsor, state Sen. Joseph Vitale (D-Middlesex), decided to postpone the vote until he is confident of its passage. That confidence should arrive with the return of four Democratic senators who support the legislation.
And the delay of a few more weeks means nothing to those who have been waiting their whole lives for justice, for closure.
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Children, however, have been helped by the public awareness ushered in with the scores of scandals uncovered in such once-sacrosanct institutions as the church and Penn State.
No parent today would allow their son to shower with a middle-aged coach or accompany a priest to a mountain cabin for an unchaperoned weekend. Sadly, we –- and our children — are wiser now.
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In cities and countries around the world, the same sickening, sordid stories continue to emerge after years of suppression, after decades in which those in authority looked the other way when decisive action might have spared defenseless children untold misery.
That’s what this legislation is about — allowing victims who have suffered in silence the chance to be heard.
It can take the victims of sex assault until their 20s, 30s, 40s or beyond to finally speak about those crimes. This law would help give them that voice.
We urge its swift passage in September.”

Hopefully New Jersey will join Hawaii which on April 24th did enact broad based legislation giving relief to survivors of childhood sexual abuse, as had Delaware and California earlier.

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